Saturday, January 16, 2010

Today's Guide - Judgment (Higher Self)

Precision * Rationality * Analysis * Discernment

From Sonia Choquette's "Ask Your Guides" Oracle deck, this card seems to be contradictory to the message I received from Doreen Virtue's "Goddess Guidance" Oracle deck in my previous post. This card tells me to turn to my Higher Self and use my power of reason, as opposed to letting my emotions run away from me. So which card do I listen to?

Well, I guess I can listen to both, but I have to compromise. Yes, I need to take that leap of faith, but maybe I should think logically about it first. Does that work? Obviously, taking a leap of faith means to just trust that whatever's going to happen will be for my benefit, but logic sometimes gets in the way. Listening to both messages would require me to use logic for some issues and intuition for others. I've found that it's very hard to apply both to the same situation.

It's a little past 12:30, and I already have a lot to think about for the rest of the day, and I haven't even done my principle for the Challenge yet. I can already tell that this is going to be a day for me to really sit down and reassess myself.

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