Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reiki Challenge, Day 3 - Endeavor With Your Work

This principle is kind of a big one for me, simply because I've been back and forth with whether or not I feel comfortable enough to start teaching Reiki and doing readings again.

As has seemed to be the case since starting this challenge, I had an interesting dream last night that seemed to relate to this principle. Unfortunately, I was really struggling to wake up this morning, so I didn't get a chance to write it down. But what I do remember is being in a supermarket, where a lot of my dreams have taken place recently. The dream then switched to what I believe was a computer lab, and there was some sort of demon or evil person, and I was battling him/it with Reiki. I believe Jay, a friend of mine from Twitter, was there as well, and I was asking him to help me battle the... whatever.

OK, so what does this have to do with my principle for today?

Well, I looked up what supermarkets mean in dreams. Found a lot of answers that didn't seem quite right until I found this one:

Groceries offer an endless and tempting variety of things. To dream of being in a market means you are faced with tough choices, all of which look perfect and inviting. You are shopping not just for material things, but for things that relate to your emotional or social needs. You might be concerned of making the wrong choice in spending your money/attention/energy.

So what particularly caught my attention with this meaning was the variety of things that relate to my emotional or social needs, and being concerned about making the wrong choice in spending my money, attention, and/or energy. I've been debating lately if I want to make journalism my career, completely shutting out Reiki; doing Reiki full-time; combining the two. A friend suggested doing both, doing like a holistic magazine or whatever. My main fear has been that I will choose one over the other, and not be happy with my decision. Obviously, I still have time to think about it, but I feel like I need to make a decision now so I can start preparing for what will happen when two years goes by.

But because of the latter part of my dream, where I am clearly using Reiki (I know because I called it by name), and defeating this evil being (as far as I can tell), I feel like that is a sign telling me that doing Reiki in some form (teaching or just healing) is the way to go. I think the first part, where I am tempted by all the different products in the grocery store (and I think being chased, too, but I addressed that in an earlier post) was a reference to this indecision, but by the end of the dream, it was clear what choice I should make. I don't know, maybe not.

Other than all this dream business, the rest of what I have to say about this principle relates to school and whatever job I (hopefully) get this semester. Keep working hard, keep doing my best, it will all pay off. That's all that I can hope for.

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